
It is essential to keep the stability of electric distribution network especially during abnormal operating conditions, this guarantees service continuity to the customers. Installing small-scale generating units named distributed generators (DGs) can enhance the stability of the grid via minimizing the system losses and improving the network voltage profile. Many approaches, conventional and metaheuristic, have been conducted in installing the DGs in distribution network, however some shortages like slow convergence and stuck in local optima represent obstacles in identifying the appropriate locations and sizes of DGs. Therefore, this paper proposes an efficient methodology of capuchin search algorithm (CapSA) which is presented for the first time to determine the optimum locations, sizes, and power factors of biomass-based DGs (BDGs) in the radial distribution network. The proposed methodology is implemented via adapting the first rows of CapSA population to integer numbers assigned to the BDGs’ locations. The target is minimizing the network active power loss with keeping the power flow, bus voltage, and transmission line in their normal ranges. Two distribution networks of IEEE 33-bus and IEEE 69-bus are analyzed, the CapSA results are compared to chimp optimizer (CO), heap-based optimizer (HBO), seagull optimization algorithm (SOA), differential evolution (DE), and sine cosine algorithm (SCA). Moreover, installing different numbers of BDGs are presented to validate the proposed approach. Furthermore, statistical tests of Friedman and ANOVA are conducted to assess the CapSA performance. In IEEE 33-bus network, the proposed approach minimized the active and reactive power losses to 7.9745 kW and 10.4134 kVAr respectively via installing four BDGs. While for IEEE 69-bus system, the active and reactive losses are minimized to 2.1092 kW and 1.5065 kVAr respectively via the proposed CapSA. The obtained results confirmed the preference of the proposed CapSA in installing the BDGs in radial networks.

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