
Feature selection is one of the main steps in preprocessing data in machine learning, and its goal is to reduce features by removing additional and noisy features. Feature selection methods and feature reduction in a dataset must consider the accuracy of the classifying algorithms. Meta-heuristic algorithms serve as the most successful and promising methods to solve this problem. Symbiotic Organisms Search (SOS) is one of the most successful meta-heuristic algorithms inspired by organisms' interaction in nature called mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism. In this paper, three SOS-based binary approaches are offered to solve the feature selection problem. In the first and second approaches, several S-shaped transfer functions and several Chaotic Tent Function-based V-shaped transfer functions called BSOSST and BSOSVT are used to make the binary SOS (BSOS). In the third approach, an advanced BSOS based on changing SOS and the chaotic Tent function operators called EBCSOS is provided. The EBCSOS algorithm uses the chaotic Tent function and the Gaussian mutation to increase usefulness and exploration. Moreover, two new operators, i.e., BMPT and BCPT, are suggested to make the commensalism and mutualism stage binary based on a chaotic function to solve the feature selection problem. Finally, the proposed BSOSST and BSOSVT methods and the advanced version of EBCSOS were implemented on 25 datasets than the basic algorithm's binary meta-heuristic algorithms. Various experiments demonstrated that the proposed EBCSOS algorithm outperformed other methods in terms of several features and accuracy. To further confirm the proposed EBCSOS algorithm, the problem of detecting spam E-mails was applied, with the results of this experiment indicating that the proposed EBCSOS algorithm significantly improved the accuracy and speed of all categories in detecting spam E-mails.

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