
Information security is the biggest challenge in recent digital communication era. Audio steganography is one of the information security techniques, which hides secret data in audio media. The traditional LSB based Audio steganography techniques are easy to implement but suffers from low embedding rate and low robustness. This paper introduces the new efficient audio steganography technique where two data bits of secret message are embedded at the time on LSB positions of carrier audio based on the compliment of 3 MSBs of carrier audio. In proposed work, two algorithms have been proposed. In Proposed Algorithm-I two data bits of secret message are embedded at a time on LSB positions of carrier audio based on the 3 MSBs of carrier audio and in Proposed Algorithm-II those two data bits are embedded on LSB positions of carrier audio but based on the compliment of 3 MSBs of carrier audio. Proposed Algorithm-I improves the embedding capacity by embedding two data bits at a time and Proposed Algorithm-II increases the robustness against attacks, because in conventional algorithms the embedding of the secret bit value is in linear fashion, therefore a hacker can easily extract the secret message. As complement operation is used in Proposed Algorithm-II extraction of data bits from complement 3 MSB's is not that much of easy than extraction of data bits from traditional algorithm. Moreover, additional security is provided with the help of secret key without knowing the valid secret key it is difficult to access the data.

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