
Auto Recognition of License Plate is a kind of image processing technology for recognizing the number plate information from images or videos. The observed plate images are normally in low resolution and suffer severe loss of edge data, which cast, incredible test to existing vehicle number plate detection and recognition patterns. The process of Auto recognition of License plate requires a high level of precision, when there are various vehicles going in a brief span and number plate abstraction is a number is a difficult task, basically because of number arrangement, and impact of environmental work. This step influences the accuracy of character separation and acknowledgment framework. This paper introduces a algorithm for Auto recognition of license plate system utilizing various approaches. Auto recognition of license plate method comprises of three segments: Character segmentation, Optical character recognition and template matching. The proposed framework presents the automatic vehicle number plate identification system utilizing a vehicle number plate extraction. Another strategy utilizing Gabor filtering for character recognition in gray scale image is proposed in this paper. Components are separated directly from gray-scale character images by Gabor filters which are exceptionally intended for measurable data of character structures. Template matching is a system which is exploited to find a sub image of an target image which coordinates a template image. Experiment result outcomes to show the superiority of our proposed approach as far as effectiveness.

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