
In this article, we present an efficient recovery-based a posteriori error estimator for adaptive isogeometric analysis (IGA) of the Stokes equation, which is straightforward to implement. The increased regularity of splines in IGA versus Lagrange polynomials used in the classical finite element method plays a significant role for the success of the presented recovery technique. We consider LR B-splines (Johannessen et al., 2014) for the adaptive mesh refinement, and the isogeometric Taylor–Hood element, Sub-Grid element (Buffa et al., 2011), and Raviart–Thomas element (divergence-conforming) (Buffa et al., 2010; Evans and Hughes, 2013; Johannessen et al., 2015) for the mixed discretization of the Stokes equation. Three benchmark problems with analytical solutions are tested, and they demonstrate clearly the great performance of the recovery-based error estimator compared to classical residual-based error estimator.

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