
The quest for other alternative and sustainable energy prompted the feasibility assessment of Zobe dam meant for irrigation to produce electricity; In this write-up the scheme is designed to operate with two turbines; turbine T1 to operate all year round to take account of the irrigation need downstream, The second turbine T2 will operate on a spill discharge, and to be available for four months with a generation capacity of 0.969 MW. T1 is expected to discharge 55,500,000m3 within six months to cater for irrigation need with an average discharge rate of 3.6m3 /s. it was found that, the dam has the potential to generate a minimum 0.671MW all year round and a maximum of 1.5MW of power during Peak discharge period. The scheme was designed with minimum modification of the existing infrastructure at site which translate to minimum cost implication in construction, system operation and maintenance.
 Keywords: Economic transformation, Energy, hydropower, Irrigation farming, Zobe dam,

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