
The prevention of certain unwanted crime events and eliminating them even before their execution can be done by automatic identification of abnormal behavior in humans. Hence automatic prediction of abnormal human behavior is a difficult task to perform. Some of the automated model has been implemented and provided the most promising results. The manual intervention is being the greatest approach in earlier time, yet it brings with numerous errors, consumes more time and more cost effective. Henceforth, the automated model is suggested for identifying the activities. As the scholar focus on machine and deep learning, this classifier may extract the hand-crafted features. But it fails to yield the appropriate solution for finding the activities. Since it belongs to the video frames, the object detection is highly Ineffective feature vector and inadequate scale measures of the learning model paves the way for performance degradation. This issue can be resolved by including an attention mechanism in the deep learning model for both monitoring and classification purposes. The recommended Human Abnormal Behavior Recognition and Tracking (HABRT) model performs the following operations, such as the collection of video, categorizing the behavior in the video as normal or abnormal, monitoring, extraction of the object, and classification of the abnormality. The input video with such frames is initially gathered from publically available databases. By using these frames, the abnormal behavior classification is done by Multiscale Dilated assisted Residual Attention Network (MD-RAN), For further enhancement, the hyper-parameters in the MD-RAN are optimally selected by novel Modified Random Parameter-based Chimp Optimization Algorithm (MRP-ChOA). Once the abnormal frames are obtained, the activity tracking is achieved by Adaptively Modified You Only Look Once (YOLO) V3 (AM-YOLO V3). This model encompasses with multiple layers, so that utilized number of layers are determined optimally using MRP-ChOA. Consequently, the objects are extracted from the abnormal frames with the help of AM-YOLO V3. Finally, the abnormalities are classified by using the same MD-RAN. At last, the performance is analyzed and validated with diverse parameters, which are then compared with other algorithms. While implementing the dataset 1, the accuracy value attains maximum in contrast with 3.14% of DTCN, 2.308% of CNN-RNN and 13.7% of ResAttenConvLSTM, correspondingly. Thus, the findings reveal that it has the potential to deliver extensive results for abnormal recognition and tracking.

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