
Our first experience with television came in 1956, when we produced on local station KMJ-TV, a program depicting the role of the school nurse working with other members of the health team. The kinescope made of this program was extremely useful later in explaining the work of school nurses when it was shown to education students at Fresno State College and at parent-teacher meetings. We began to see how we could multiply the educational value of a TV program by filming it and making the film available for professional use through the services of our audiovisual department. In the spring of 1959, the nurses presented a second telecast on KMJTV. This, like the first, was presented on public service time. This time the program was used as a springboard for a Saturday workshop for nurses and was our first experience with guided group viewing. Approximately 25 school nurses assembled to view and discuss the telecast. Before the program came on the air, the workshop chairman introduced the TV topic and the questions for study. After the tele-

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