
This study aimed at analyzing the cost, return, and profitability of crops and milk production in Uttarakhand hills based on 200 sample farmers from different altitudesin the state. Results indicated a cropping intensity of 188percentin which cereal crops accounted for 65 percent of the gross cropped area, pulses 22 percent, and vegetables 13 percent. In all these three crop categories, labour cost had the highest share in the total cost of production, ranging from 49.04 percent in rabi cereals to 68.99 percent in Kharif vegetable production. Returns per rupee obtained were highest in pulse production in Kharif (2.28)and rabi(2.27)seasons. Similarly, in milk production, feed cost accounted for the highest share (64.16 percent), followed by labour cost (31.98 percent) and health expenses (3.86 percent), with net returns of ?69.83/SAU/day. Since the cultivation of field crops was not highly profitable in the study area, an integrated farming system with a healthy mix of animal husbandry is recommended. Further, to reduce labour costs, custom hiring centre facilities to mechanize agricultural operations can be arranged at nearby community centres.

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