
The present study was undertaken in Yamunanagar district of Haryana. The study revealed that on an average, economics of poplar plantation during 2012–2013 in Yamunanagar district showed that the growers had to incur losses of 33420, 45973, 57142, 63074, 67003 and 73532 per hectare in the first, second, third, fourth fifth and sixth year of the poplar plantation respectively. The average net return per hectare was 1095638 in the seventh year. In the end of seventh year net returns on small, medium and large farms were found to be 1114391, 1146385 and 1026055 per hectare, respectively. The net returns were found slightly higher on medium farms as compared to small and large farmers mainly due to higher yield owing to better management practices followed by these farmers. As far as economic feasibility was concerned of poplar plantation, the net present value at 9 per cent discount rate and the net discounted return for one hectare poplar plantation came to be 353688.41 for the entire seven years. The benefit-cost ratio at this discount rate of interest was calculated as 1:2.44. The overall internal rate of return from one hectare was found to be as high as 39.06 per cent. The payback period of one hectare poplar plantation is seven years. The analysis of benefit cost ratio and internal rate of return showed that the investment in poplar plantation is considered to be economically viable.

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