
Data from a previously reported study investigating the interaction of toe-clipping and stocking density on laying-hen performance were subjected to economic analyses to determine optimal profit-producing combinations of these two management practices. In three separate trials, toe-clipped (TC) and intact (IN) pullets were examined at caging densities of either 4 (465 cm2/ hen) or 5 (372 cm2/hen) birds per cage. In each trial, beginning at 22 wk of age, hen production performance (hen-day egg production, hen-housed egg production, feed consumption, body weight, and mortality) was assessed for 12 28-day periods of lay. Performance criteria were averaged over all trials and used to determine per cage returns ($) above feed and pullet rearing costs (irrespective of fixed costs) and per cage profits (gross returns minus total costs) for the four treatment combinations. Economic analyses were also adjusted for hatchery toe-clipping costs. Profits (or losses) from each toe treatment stocking-density combination were calculated under variable egg and feed prices.At a blended egg price of $.35/doz, all cage systems lost money. Housing hens TC, 5/cage, yielded the greatest profits or least losses in 76% of the toe treatment stocking-density combinations studied. Economic returns were greatest for TC hens, 5/cage, at an egg price of $.55/doz when feed costs ranged from $140 to $230/ton and at egg prices higher than $.55/doz, regardless of feed prices. However, when these price combinations exist, housing hens IN, 4/cage is more profitable than housing hens TC, 4/cage.Reducing hen density to 4/cage resulted in less losses at the very low egg price of $.35/doz and at the very high feed price of $260/ton when coupled with an egg price of $.55/doz. Under these price combinations, housing hens TC was economically better than IN, except at the very low feed and egg prices of $140/ton and $.35/doz, respectively, where IN hens, 4/cage, resulted in the least losses.

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