
Among individuals with clinical high risk for psychosis (CHR), perceptive symptoms are more frequent but have less clinical significance in children/adolescents compared to adults. However, findings are based on clinical interviews relying on patient’s recall capacity. Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) can be used to explore experiences in real-time in the subject’s daily life. The aim of this study was to assess frequency and stability of (perceptive and non-perceptive) CHR symptoms and to explore potential age effects. EMA was used in a sample of an early detection for psychosis service in Bern, Switzerland (N = 66; 11–36 years). CHR symptoms were recorded in random time intervals for seven days: eight assessments per day per subject, minimum time between prompts set at 25 min. CHR symptoms were additionally assessed with semi-structured interviews including the ‘Structured Interview for Psychosis-Risk Syndromes’ and the ‘Schizophrenia Proneness Instruments’. Mixed-effects linear regression analysis on the frequency of CHR symptoms revealed a significant effect of age group, and the interaction CHR symptoms x age group for both perceptive and non-perceptive symptoms. Further, regarding stability of CHR symptoms, there was a significant effect of the interaction CHR symptoms x age group for perceptive symptoms only. Based on EMA, perceptive CHR symptoms were more frequently reported but less stable in children/adolescents compared with adults. Together with previous findings, our finding of higher instability/variability of perceptive symptoms in younger persons might suggest that with advancing age and more stability of CHR symptoms, clinical relevance (reduced psychosocial functioning) may increase.

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