
This paper attempts to explore the movie Moana from an eco-critical perspective wherein the concepts of domination of nature by mankind will be highlighted. It also examines the movie through a feminist point of view which foreshadows the subjugation of women by men that is prevalent in the movie. It puts forth the issues that prevails in the society and relates the movie with the present scenario of the society. This movie showcases the belief of deep ecology which says that everything in earth has life of its own and the entire universe is in harmony with each other. Ecosophy or ecophilosophy as described by Arne Naess is a term which examines Nature and our relation to it, it also signifies the philosophy of harmony in the entire ecosystem (“Ecosophy”). This wisdom of ecology is predominantly revealed by the female protagonist Moana in the movie Moana. This paper traces the instances from the movie that displays the consequences of interaction of human with Nature and the exploitation of both women and Nature due to the strong hold of the patriarchal attitude that a man believes within.


  • The Disney movie Moana depicts the life of people who belonged to Polynesian culture in which the primary occupation of the people was seafaring, oriented towards exploration of oceans

  • This act of stealing could be correlated to the act of domination of nature at the hands of mankind. He considers Moana to be weak and docile as she is a woman and refuses to help her to restore the heart. This patriarchal attitude is witnessed in the chief of the island, being the father of Moana, he denies to allow e-ISSN: 2582-3574 p-ISSN: 2582-4406 DOI:10.24113/ijellh.v10i1.11239

  • After the climax one could notice the spiritual interaction between Teka and Moana in which Moana restores the heart and they both are seen as pressing their forehead and nose signifying the intricate bond shared by them. This instance could be correlated with the notion that Moana by touching the forehead of Teka is able to empathize, seek forgiveness for the disgraceful act of mankind, who considered themselves as superior to Nature and tried to domesticate it within the clutches of mankind. It highlights the ecosophy, the wisdom of ecology which is inherently present in Moana due to which she was able to calm down the furious Teka and bring Tefiti back to life

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The Disney movie Moana depicts the life of people who belonged to Polynesian culture in which the primary occupation of the people was seafaring, oriented towards exploration of oceans. The plot begins by a story shared by the grandmother of Moana to her about their age old culture of seafaring and the mother island, Tefiti who has become Teka due to the consequences of losing her heart which was stolen by the demigod of wind and sea, Maui.

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