
In the Kale (Gumushane) area in the North Eastern Turkey, platform carbonates of the Berdiga Limestone were deposited during Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous time in environments varying from intertidal to fore reef. The sequence shows extensive lateral and vertical alterations and interfingering of different facies types. In the upper part of the Berdiga Limestone in the Kircaova area a bituminous thin-bedded to platy limestone and shale 5 to 6 m thick occurs at the Early/Late Aptian boundary. It is underlain by limestones rich in silica nodules of up to 10 cm size. A facies analysis of a section about 70 m thick including the bituminous interval was carried out in 1994/95 at the SW border of the Kircaova area close to the road from Lorikas to Kale. The limestones consist mainly of packstones and grainstones locally rich in calcareaous algae and forminifera. Fragments of molluscs and echinoids as well as some ostracods and calcispheres occur. Some sponges, corals, and beds rich in molluscs occur in minor amounts in the middle part of the section which is characterized by intertidal to shallow subtidal facies. Algae and foraminifera indicate a Barremian-Early Aptian age of the lower part and Late Aptian age of the upper part of the section (e.g.Salpingoporellamuehlbergii, Salpingoporella aff.melitae, Clypeina solkani, Novalesia producta), divided by the bituminous limestones. In West Slovenia (close to the Italian border) a complete Cretaceous section occurs at Sabotin mountain containing Aptian beds with comparable faunal composition. In contrast to the Berdiga Limestone, in Slovenia at the rim of the dinaric platform a patch reef about 50 m in thickness is developed which is also covered by a bituminous limestones (black shale) marking the Early/Late Aptian boundary. Faunal elements in Slovenia arePalorbitolina lenticularis, Cuneolina laurentii, Orbitolina (Mesorbitolina) texana andSalpingopoprella dinarica. The bituminous limestone appears to be a marker horizon. At both locations it is locally rich in characeans probably indicating a regressive maximum before another transgression began in the Late Aptian/Albian as world-wide drowning event. Possibly the occurrence of the bituminous limestone (black shale) is associated with volcanic activity during the Aptian. If so it could be used as a chronostratigraphic marker horizon in both areas analyzed.

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