
AbstractA novel E‐plane horn antenna fed with E‐plane Tee junction, conceptualized using the substrateintegrated waveguide (SIW) technology is introduced and investigated. Conventional SIW‐inspired horn designs are mostly limited to H‐plane sectoral horns, portraying confined radiation along the H‐plane while unconfined, fan‐beam‐shaped radiation along the principal E‐plane. Such radiation characteristics restrict its usage to designs requiring an electric field parallel to the structure and ultimately narrow confined radiation along the principal E‐plane of the embodiment. The proposed design provides a glue‐less solution to designing an E‐plane horn fed by an E‐plane Tee junction, both conceptualized by the SIW technology, having relative ease of fabrication on dual copper clad Printed Circuit Boards. Such a design operates from 17.15 to 18.8 GHz (~9.2% operating bandwidth) with a realized gain greater than 10.5 dBi, making it suitable for applications requiring light‐weighted high‐gain E‐plane sectoral horn antennas.

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