
Abstract Measuring chlorophyll fluorescence is an important tool in plant research, since it is a reliable non-invasive method for capturing photosynthetic efficiency of a plant and, hence, an indicator of plant stress/health. The principle of chlorophyll fluorometry is based on the optical illumination of a plant’s leaf at a certain wavelength, while simultaneously measuring the emitted fluorescence light intensity at a different optical wavelength. By relating the fluorescence light energy at small and large excitation power, conclusions on the efficiency of the photosystem and, therefore, on the plant’s photosynthesis capability can be drawn. Current mobile chlorophyll fluorometers are either (i) compact and energy efficient but limited in functionality and accuracy by omitting modulated measurement signals or (ii) sophisticated and precise with respect to the measurement, but with the drawback of extended weight, size, energy consumption and cost. This contribution presents a smaller, lighter and cheaper sensor device that can be built with sufficiently low energy consumption to be powered by energy harvesting while being light enough to be attached nearly anywhere such as tree branches. With a device cost below 250 €, the performance of the developed device is similar to more expensive commercial devices considering measurements of the relative variable fluorescence. Moreover, the sensor device provides a wireless interface in the European 868 MHz SRD band with up to 10 km of range in free space while just consuming 150 µW in receiving mode due to a custom duty cycling technique.

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