
Refactoring tools are extremely important to prevent errors and reduce consumed time. But these tools only support text-based languages, especially in Object Oriented languages. In order to accommodate the situation that Dataflow Visual Programming Languages (DFVPLs) are more and more popular, an automated refactoring tool for DFVPL was proposed. DFVPL was divided into two layers---visual layer and dataflow layer. Two layers mutually evolved, which ensured correctness of visual elements and dataflow semantic during refactoring. Some algorithms like middle graph generation; terminal auto-generation and terminal auto-modification were proposed to implement the changes of two layers. This tool has been proved correct and efficient by some refactoring instances. In addition, we discussed some famous DFVPL like LabVIEW to expose lacking of automated refactoring tool forced refactoring by hand to be time-consuming and error-prone.

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