
In healthcare, blood testing is observed to be as one of the most significant medical examination tests. In pathology labs, different types of blood cells are counted to diagnose the diseases patient. By counting RBCs (Red Blood Cells) in images of blood cells can play a very great role in detection as well as to follow the treatment process of number of diseases such as anemia, leukemia etc. Counting and examination of blood cells manually by microscope is tedious, time intense and entails a lot of technical expertise. Hence arises a need to come across for automated blood cell detection and counting system that can facilitate physician for diagnosing diseases in fast and efficient way. According to present studies, the RBCs are classified in four types of abnormality, namely elliptocytes, echinocytes, tear drop cells and macrocytes. In this paper, technique has been introduced to count the RBCs automatically. In proposed work, images are classified on the basis of color, texture and morphology. Process of counting of cells is done into three parts: image processing including texture feature extraction using morphology, thresholding segmentation and counting of cells using Hough transformation. The proposed algorithm achieves overall accuracy of 91.667% and is computationally very efficient as it takes only 0.81432 seconds to count the number of red blood cells for different blood samples.

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