
We present a new version of the regularized combined source integral equation (CSIE-AR) for the solution of electromagnetic scattering problems in the presence of perfectly conducting bodies. The integral equation is of the second kind and has no spurious resonances. It is well conditioned at all frequencies for simply connected geometries. Reconstruction of the magnetic field, however, is subject to catastrophic cancelation due to the need for computing a scalar potential from magnetic currents. Here, we show that by solving an auxiliary (scalar) integral equation, we can avoid this form of low-frequency breakdown. The auxiliary scalar equation is used to solve a Neumann-type boundary value problem using data corresponding to the normal component of the magnetic field. This scalar equation is also of the second kind, nonresonant, and well conditioned at all frequencies. A principal advantage of our approach, by contrast with the hypersingular electric field integral equation, the combined field integral equation, or CSIE formulations, is that the standard loop-star and related basis function constructions are not needed, and preconditioners are not required. This permits an easy coupling to fast algorithms such as the fast multipole method. Furthermore, the formalism is compatible with nonconformal mesh discretization and works well with singular (sharp) boundaries.

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