
The realization of pervasive computing massively piqued the productivity of the ways by which users perceive information from their environment. The amalgam of augmented reality and device ubiquity can assist users in mapping new Points Of Interest (POI) in their vicinity. This paper discusses a prototype developed for mobile devices with the objective of designing simpler user experiences for amateur users for contributing to OpenStreetMap (OSM). The application has exploited the inertial sensors and camera of the mobile devices, hence capacitating it to function as a mobile augmented reality tool. Often it is perplexing for novice users to add data conforming to the data standards. A feature to fetch the related tags used in OSM for the node data elements is an integral part of this work. The tool also fetches the existing POIs, displays them using color-coding and allows addition of missing data and correct the incorrect tag values. The overall aim is to reduce the coverage of unmapped areas and improve the completeness feature of OSM data. Thereby the tool extends the availability and opportunities of mapping OSM and enhances its degree of disposability for various geographic information system domains.

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