
The first aim of the study was to assess the success rate of vaginal delivery after a trial of labour in women with history of caesarean delivery. The second, was to analyse the management used and suggest recommendations that might improve the outcome. The caesarean section rate in Tameside hospital, in the period of 1995 and 1996, was (11%), 20% of which were repeat caesarean sections Fifty-one per cent of those with a history of previous caesarean section were allowed a trial of labour. The success rate of vaginal delivery in cases allowed trial of labour was 70%. But, if we include the 49% of cases who had elective repeat caesarean section in the calculation, the success rate for vaginal delivery would drop to 36%. More than one previous caesarean section was the main indication for elective repeat caesarean section. The second most common indication was cephalopelvic disproportion based on X-ray pelvimetry. Other indications included pregnancy-induced hypertension, breech presentation and maternal request. The main indication for repeat emergency caesarean section was fetal distress. Other causes included failure to progress, cephalo-pelvic disproportion, tender scar, ante-partum haemorhage and one case of ruptured uterus.

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