
It is assumed that the idea of corporate social responsibility implemented by an enterprise will be appreciated by consumers. Consumers will be more willing to choose offers and support initiatives of socially responsible companies. Social responsibility, as a distinguishing mark used in positioning an enterprise (brand), also aims to contribute to building the loyalty of consumers who will be characterised, among others, by lower price sensitivity, and in their purchasing decisions they will be guided by the company’s positive image. The above assumptions are partly correct. According to numerous studies, consumers favour socially responsible companies. They declare positive attitudes towards such enterprises and their good practices. The problem is that consumer activity in supporting responsible companies is often limited to declarations. The fact that the costs of social responsibility, as manifested in a higher price, are mainly to be borne by consumers is not emphasised. It turns out that good practices accompanying the offer (brand) are not always an important selection criterion for the consumer. The purpose of the article is to attempt to define determinants of an effective impact of corporate social responsibility on consumer behaviour. By an effective impact, the author understands that corporate social responsibility is an important criterion for the choice of an offer by the consumer. The article presents a review of selected studies on the impact of social responsibility on consumer behaviour. The empirical part describes a pilot study in which an attempt was made to identify the reasons for the lack of an effective impact of social responsibility on consumer behaviour. Respondents’ opinions on measures to increase the effectiveness of the impact of social responsibility on consumer behaviour were also obtained.

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