
Background: Parental substance use can impede parenting, placing a significant number of children at risk, accounting for the high rates of child protection service (CPS) involvement with substance use affected families. Very few parenting programs provide evidence for improving parenting skills in this high risk group. However, attachment-based parenting programs provide some promise in improving outcomes for parents and children. This pilot study introduces such a program, the Circle of Security (COS), with opiate dependent carers. Method: Pre and post COS intervention measures of substance use (ATOP), mental health (DASS21) and child-parent attachment (CHQ) were conducted. A qualitative feedback questionnaire was also undertaken to determine the tolerability, acceptability and experiences of participants. Results: 8 participants commenced the study with a retention rate of 75%. Heroin (M=-2.4), other opiate (M=-2.3), alcohol (M=-2.7), nicotine (M=-0.1) and injecting drug days (M=-3.0) were reduced following the intervention. Parental stress (M=-4, 19%), depression (M=-3.29, 16%) and anxiety (M=-2.57, 12%) improved over the study period. No clinically significant shift in carer-helplessness was identified, however parents reported improved parenting in a number of areas. Participants highly rated the program across multiple domains. Conclusions: The COS is well tolerated, accepted and positively experienced by this group of opiate dependent carers. The program appears to assist in reducing substance use levels and improving mental health symptoms in this vulnerable group of parents. The program warrants further evaluation with opiate dependent parents as part of a randomised control trial.

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