
We present a study of the effectiveness of asynchronous incomplete LU factorization preconditioners for the time-implicit solution of compressible flow problems while exploiting thread-parallelism within a compute node. A block variant of the asynchronous fine-grained parallel preconditioner adapted to a finite volume discretization of the compressible Navier--Stokes equations on unstructured grids is presented, and convergence theory is extended to the new variant. Experimental (numerical) results on the performance of these preconditioners on inviscid and viscous laminar two-dimensional steady-state test cases are reported. It is found, for these compressible flow problems, that the block variant performs much better in terms of convergence, parallel scalability, and reliability than the original scalar asynchronous ILU preconditioner. For viscous flow, it is found that the ordering of unknowns may determine the success or failure of asynchronous block-ILU preconditioning, and an ordering of grid cells suitable for solving viscous problems is presented.

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