
Despite numerous reforms, the Judiciary of Kenya has seen a rise in complaints about its service delivery. Common issues include slow service, missing files, corruption, delayed rulings, and delayed orders. This increase in complaints is surprising given the efforts to improve the judiciary's service delivery. Consequently, it is important to examine the planning strategies within the Judiciary and how they impact service delivery. This area has rarely been studied, leading to a lack of understanding in the existing literature about the effects of planning on service delivery in Kenya's Judiciary. This study aimed to fill that gap by focusing on the Meru High Court. The study aimed to examine the impact of planning strategy on service delivery at the Meru High Court, with a target population of 86 respondents. The research was guided by Kotter’s Eight Step Change Model. A descriptive survey design was employed. Before collecting the main data, a pilot test with 9 respondents was conducted at the Chuka Law Courts to assess the questionnaire's reliability and validity. Data analysis involved descriptive statistics such as frequency distribution, percentages, mean, and SD, along with regression and correlation analyses. The findings showed that a plan is created prior to implementing any changes. Respondents confirmed that the information provided by the Judiciary regarding changes is both reliable and pertinent. The research is significant as it helps the Judiciary understand how planning strategies affect service delivery.

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