
The European Tourism Indicators System (ETIS) is a product of the European Union (EU) Sustainable Development Strategy, which was formulated with the objectives of promoting economic prosperity, social equity, cohesion, and environmental protection. In this paper, we present an analysis of the results of the implementation of the ETIS during the period 2013–2016, in the Italian tourist destination of South Sardinia. While the implementation of ETIS constitutes a significant advancement in Italy, and more widely in Europe, our findings reveal that an adaptive management approach is necessary for achieving the anticipated objectives and adapting these standardized indicators to different territorial contexts. Difficulties were encountered in both data collection and stakeholders’ involvement in the implementation process. Insufficient knowledge, and familiarity with the complex technical aspects of the indicator toolkit among primary stakeholders, was another constraint associated with its implementation. We believe that the findings of this analysis can provide guidelines and inputs for other European countries and tourist destinations that are currently in the process of implementing the ETIS toolkit or similar methodologies. In particular, the pioneering sustainable tourism performance measurement system (STPMS) can be adapted to meet local needs.


  • IntroductionSustainability has emerged as a primary goal in tourism-related decision making [1]

  • In recent decades, sustainability has emerged as a primary goal in tourism-related decision making [1]

  • In light of our objective of assessing the implementation of the European Tourism Indicators System (ETIS), we identify the main problems that we encountered during the phase of evaluating the indicators

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Sustainability has emerged as a primary goal in tourism-related decision making [1]. Stakeholders in the tourism sector, including tourists and host communities, are considerably more aware of the importance of sustainable development in tourism than they were in the past [2]. Apart from the necessity of formulating quantitative measures for sustainable tourism relating to its social, economic, and environmental dimensions (i.e., indicator systems), a methodology is required for implementing these operational tools. There have been relatively few studies on indicator systems and associated methodologies for their implementation. This study, which was aimed at developing a procedure for operationalizing indicator systems to measure sustainability, seeks to address this gap. The results are presented and discussed in the tourist destination with concerned stakeholders in tourism and related sectors. Tnhigehitssla[n8d].’sTohfeficisialal nacdc’osmofmficoidaal taioccnocmompordiasetisoantcootaml opfri2s1e2s,7a5t1obtaeldos.f I2n122,071571,bCeadgs.liIanri2P01ro7,vCinacgeliraerciePirvoevdin7c5e8r,4e8ce7ivtoeudr7is5t8s,,48a7ndtofuirgiustrse,sanfodr fitoguriesstfnoirgthotusriasnt dnitghhetsaavnedratghee laevnegrtahgeoflesntagythwoef rseta3y,3w0e8r,0e131,3a0n8d,0141.3a6nndig4.h3t6s,nriegshptse,crteivsepleyc.tiTvheely.toTthael ntoutmalbneurmobf ebreodfsbaevdasilaavbalielafbolre tfoourrtiostusridstusrdinugritnhgisthyiesayrewaraws a4s3,4731,7.17T.hTehSeisStiesmteamaInIfnofromrmataivtiovodidiRRacacocoltlataeeddEEllaabboorraazziioonnee DDaattii ((SSIIRREEDD)) [[88]] oofftthheeRReeggiioonnooffSSaarrddiinniiaarreeppoorrtteeddtthhaatttthheeffiivveemmuunniicciippaalliittiieessiinncclluuddeeddiinntthheeVVSSSSpprroojjeecctt rreecceeiived aattoottaallooff557722,,337722ttoouurriissttssiinn22001177,,aannddrreeccoorrddeedd22,,445533,,664411ttoouurriissttnniigghhttssaannddaannaavveerraaggeelleennggtthh ooffssttaayy ooff44..2288 nniigghhttss

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