
Background: A minimally invasive antral membrane balloon elevation (MIAMBE) has been introduced to overcome the invasiveness of modified Caldwell-Luc (lateral approach) and the drawbacks of the osteotome (summers' technique) in maxillary sinus floor elevation surgery. Materials and methods: A total of 13 adult Iraqi patients aged 28-55 years, 4 males and 9 females underwent sinus floor elevation surgery via crestal approach by using sinus balloon technique. A panoramic radiograph and (Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT)/or medical CT scan) were obtained before and after surgery. Postoperative gained bone was assessed and the patient reactions including pain, nasal bleeding, and ecchymosis were recorded. The whole follow up period was 1year following the sinus lift surgery. Results:The total performed sinus floor elevation cases were 17 with a total of 27 sinus floor elevation sites. The maximum gained bone with sinus balloon technique was 10.6 mm. Twenty three dental implants placed in augmented maxillary sinuses, two implants early failed 8.70 % and the survival rate of the dental implants was (91.30 %). Schneider's membrane perforation didn’t occur in any case of this study 0%. Conclusion: Sinus floor elevation via crestal approach using the balloon technique solve the limitations for original osteotome technique (summers' technique) for cases even when the subantral bone height is less than 3 mm. The utilization of hydraulic pressure in combination with balloon technique also shows a great role in both sinus membrane elevation and as a diagnostic aid of Schneider's membrane perforation. Key words: Sinus lift surgery, antral membrane balloon elevation, Schneiderian membrane perforation.

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