
This research has been informed by the ever increasing cases of gender based violence (GBV) globally and specifically in Zimbabwe. There is an acknowledgement that both males and females suffer from gender based violence, however, studies show that women, especially young women, and children of both sexes are most often the victims. Gender based violence comes in different forms which include rape and sexual assault, violence between intimate partners as well as violence associated with war or political instability. As a response to the devastating effects of gender based violence, there are strategies that have been instituted to try to address the causes and effects of gender based violence. However, these strategies have not been effective enough as gender based violence remain high in Zimbabwe. One major drawback in the studies of gender based violence is the lack of agreed standard in the collection and presentation of data on gender based violence. To effectively curb gender based violence there is need for implementation of laws that have been put in place to curb gender based violence as laws on paper without implementation are just as good as having no laws. There is also need to have strategies that address the underlying causes of gender based violence. This can be achieved through the concept of changing the rivers flow which deals with addressing the underlying causes of gender based violence.

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