
AbstractDiurnal variations of upper tropospheric humidity (UTH) in five different reanalysis data sets are compared over convective land and ocean regions and evaluated using multiple satellite observations as a reference. All reanalysis data sets reproduce the day‐night contrast of upper tropospheric humidity and the land‐ocean contrast in the diurnal amplitude. The infrared satellite measurements indicate a slightly later diurnal minimum over land relative to most reanalyses and the microwave satellite measurements, suggesting that cloud masking of the infrared radiances may introduce a small (∼3 h) bias in the phase. One reanalysis exhibits a substantially different diurnal cycle over land which is inconsistent with both infrared and microwave satellite measurements and other reanalysis products. This product also exhibits a different covariance between vertical velocity, cloud water, and humidity than other reanalyses, suggesting that the phase bias is related to deficiencies in the parameterization of moist convective processes.

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