
The study assesses the access of herbicide among smallholder farmers in Bebeji Local Government area, Kano state. The advancement in technology in past and present years lead to improvement in weed control. Moreover, the introduction of chemical herbicides is slowly weeping out the traditional method of managing weeds that improves agricultural productions which make farmers cultivate several hectares of farmland, but farmers were facing challenges in accessing the farm inputs. The study focused on primary data collection method in other to have clear information of the challenges farmers are facing in the process of accessing herbicides in the study area. The findings of the study show that 95% of the formers access their herbicides from commercial sellers and open markets. 55% and 33% of farmers were satisfied with the availability of herbicide in the study area. The study found that 96% of the farmers disclosed that lack of adequate funds is the major problem farmers have in accessing herbicides in the study area, as majority of the smallholder farmers are low incoming earners.63% of the farmers use pre-emergent herbicides, 22% of the farmers use both pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicides and 15% of the farmers use post-emergent only. The research carried out has clearly presented the current situation of smallholder farmers in accessing herbicide in the chosen study area. Smallholder farmers in the area have been experiencing difficulties in purchasing herbicide. The research clearly indicated that Government and non Governmental organisations were not providing herbicides at designated time which give chance for marketers to sell herbicide at higher price. There is need for the government to intervene and come to the aide of the farmer’s as to make farm inputs available and sufficient in the study area. As Nigerian agriculture is growing and becoming competitive in the continent providing farm inputs among smallholder’s farmers in the study area will be of great benefits. Committee should be set in all necessary areas as to reach out people with all interventions given by government and none governmental organization.

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