
Dibru-Saikhowa National Park (DSNP) comprises 340 km2 of core zone of Dibru-Saikhowa Biosphere Reserve in Assam, India. DSNP receives on average 3000-3500 tourists every year. Most of the visitors were on independent holidays often coming to the DSNP. Most of the visitors coming from outside the northeastern states are coming to DSNP as the second destination after the Kaziranga National Park, which is about 300 km from the DSNP. Recreational value of DSNP was estimated by using Travel Cost Method. Results show that the average consumer surplus per tourist per visit accruing to domestic tourists was Rs. 2892.50 and total annual recreational value of the DSNP was Rs. 10.11 million which is almost 40 times the total revenue (Rs. 2.50 lakh) earned by the DSNP in a year. This clearly shows that revenue collected through entry fee is not reflecting the true economic value of recreational services of the DSNP. The results of the study provide enough justification for enhanced investment from government in the DSNP to ensure continued flow of essential ecosystem services.

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