
Textbooks are indispensable constituent of teaching-learning process for both teachers and students, and have a great influence on students’ learning. As for assessment, is a process of making judgements which is necessary for determining the effectiveness of teaching-learning process, and also to be able to effectively contribute to students’ progress. Therefore, the measurement and assessment dimension of the questions in the science textbooks is significant so that cannot be disregarded. In this context, this study sought to determine the cognitive levels of end-of-unit questions in the middle school science textbooks according to Bloom’s taxonomy, and also to reveal the views of teachers and students about these questions. The research is a descriptive study, and the data were collected from three different sources. At the outset, five Science and Technoloy textbooks used in the sixth, seventh and eighth grades at the Turkish middle schoolse were analyzed. Then, the semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 Science and Technology teachers and 30 students in Edirne that were selected with through appropriate sampling method. Based on the research findings, there was a preponderance of knowledge level questions in science textbooks. While the questions at the comprehension level follows the knowledge level questions with smaller portions, the questions at the level of application, analysis, sythensis, evaluation were almost missing in the middle school science textbooks. Based on the interview results conducted with students and teachers, it is quite engrossing that the knowledge level questions are the most liked questions by students. While teachers emphasized the need for increasing the number of the end-of-unit questions, the students stated that the questions should provide opportunity for repeating, reinforcing what they have learnt before or preliminary for exams.

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