
We formulated and tested an innovative omnichannel blood supply chain (OBSC) model based on artificial intelligence (AI) using inputs raised in semi structured interviews conducted with heath care practitioners in a blood supply chain. The proposed AI-based OBSC model addresses the supply and demand imbalance in crucial situations for blood supply chains. A resource dependence theory bottom-up approach was applied to underpin the OBSC model. This model consists of two parts: (a) helping to find the closest and fastest available blood supply (omnichannel perspective) and (b) raising a blood supply request among university students (with the help of the university’s IT system) through SMS messaging in case of emergencies or blood shortages (AI perspective). This OBSC model is significant because it contributes to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, specifically the goal 3 to “ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.”

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