
Due to the growing amount of online content, automated article summarization using artificial intelligence (AI) has received a lot of interest lately.This study proposes a novel method to automate the process of article summarization by combining Generative AI approaches with React JS, a well-liked JavaScript toolkit for creating user interfaces. React JS integration offers a user- friendly and interactive platform that allows user to submit articles and instantly receive succinct summaries. Neural networks and deep learning architectures are two examples of generative AI models that are used to extract important information and produce cogent summaries that encapsulate the main ideas of the original articles.The system's technological implementation— which includes data preparation, model training, and the creation of real-time summaries—is covered in this paper. The proposed method has a number of benefits, such as a faster summarizing process, better information accessibility, and an improved user experience. ReactJS and Generative AI.summarization system, making it possible to effectively extract important information from articles in a variety of domains. Index Terms - React JS, Generative AI, Neural Networks, RTK Query .

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