
Measurement of neighborhood dietary patterns at high spatial resolution allows public health agencies to identify and monitor communities with an elevated risk of nutrition-related chronic diseases. Currently, data on diet are obtained primarily through nutrition surveys, which produce measurements at low spatial resolutions. The availability of store-level grocery transaction data provides an opportunity to refine the measurement of neighborhood dietary patterns. We used these data to develop an indicator of area-level latent demand for soda in the Census Metropolitan Area of Montreal in 2012 by applying a hierarchical Bayesian spatial model to data on soda sales from 1,097 chain retail food outlets. The utility of the indicator of latent soda demand was evaluated by assessing its association with the neighborhood relative risk of prevalent type 2 diabetes mellitus. The indicator improved the fit of the disease-mapping model (deviance information criterion: 2,140 with the indicator and 2,148 without) and enables a novel approach to nutrition surveillance.

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