
AbstractA diregular bipartite tournament is a balanced complete bipartite graph whose edges are oriented so that every vertex has the same in- and out-degree. In 1981 Jackson showed that a diregular bipartite tournament contains a Hamilton cycle, and conjectured that in fact its edge set can be partitioned into Hamilton cycles. We prove an approximate version of this conjecture: for everyε > 0 there existsn0such that every diregular bipartite tournament on 2n≥n0vertices contains a collection of (1/2–ε)ncycles of length at least (2–ε)n. Increasing the degree by a small proportion allows us to prove the existence of many Hamilton cycles: for everyc > 1/2 andε > 0 there existsn0such that everycn-regular bipartite digraph on 2n≥n0vertices contains (1−ε)cnedge-disjoint Hamilton cycles.

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