
Microarray technology is playing an increasingly important role in biology andmedicine and its application to genomics for gene expression analysishas already reached the market with a variety of commercially availableinstruments. In these combinatorial analysis methods, known probe single-strandDNA (ssDNA) ‘primers’ are attached in clusters of typically 100 µm × 100µm pixels. Each pixel of the array has a slightly different sequence. On exposureto ‘unknown’ target ssDNA, the pixels with the right complementaryprobe ssDNA sequence convert to double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) by ahybridization reaction. To transduct the conversion of the pixel to dsDNA,the target ssDNA is labelled with a photoluminescent tag during thepolymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification process. Due to the statisticaldistribution of the tags in the target ssDNA, it becomes significantly difficult toimplement these methods as a diagnostic tool in a pathology laboratory. Amethod to sequence DNA without tagging the molecule is developed. Thefabrication process is compatible with current microelectronics and (emerging)soft-material fabrication technologies, allowing the method to be integrablewith micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) and lab-on-a-chip devices.An estimated sensitivity of 10−12 g on a 1 cm2 device area is obtained.

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