
Smartphone has become the most important part of everyone's life. Smartphone has influenced every part of the life. It has enhanced and advanced professional and personal life. It has become a vital part of the life. There is no limit what one can do with a Smartphone these days. There is an App for almost anything. One can do online ticket booking, mobile banking, checking of the nearest coffee shop, reading the online newspaper, e-books, finding a path on maps etc. Today's Smartphones have the higher configuration in terms of CPU power, memory capacity, and storage but their functionality is limited by low battery power capacity. The battery power of a Smartphone may be prolonged by optimizing hardware or software. This paper presents an approach for energy saving through software by choosing the appropriate sorting algorithm. Energy consumption of four sorting algorithms: Bubble sort, Insertion sort, Quick sort and Selection sort were measured. The results show that Quick sort is the energy efficient sorting method on average cases. Bubble sort is the most energy consuming algorithm. This work provides a general guideline to select appropriate sorting algorithm in development of energy efficient Smartphone application.

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