
This paper describes an approach to simple noise cancellation for speech recognition, such as template matching on time‐spectrum patterns. This system has two inputs. The primary input Ip receives a speech signal S(t) corrupted by an environmental noise N(t). The second input Ir, used as a reference signal, receives kN(t + td), that is, a correlated version of the noise in Ip, where k represents the level ratio of kN(t + td) to N(t) included in the primary signal, and td is the time difference between Ip and Ir. The two input signals are analyzed using a bandpass filter bank (BPFB). The noise cancellation is performed in the following manner: (1) The level ratio k is estimated; (2) the time difference td is also estimated using k; (3) the cancellation is performed on every output of the BPFB using k and td. At the same time, a speech section is detected by using the variations in each spectrum difference between the two input signals. The values of the parameters k and td are fixed at the beginning of the speech section while a speech signal exists.

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