
Purpose: This tutorial is a description of a possible approach to teaching the concept of formants to students in a speech science course, at either the undergraduate or graduate level. The approach is to explain formants as prominent regions of energy in the output spectrum envelope radiated at the lips, and how they arise as the superposition of vocal tract resonances on a source signal. Standing waves associated with vocal tract resonances are briefly explained and standing wave animations are provided. Animations of the temporal variation of the vocal tract, vocal tract resonances, spectra, and spectrograms, along with audio samples are included to provide dynamic demonstrations of the concept of formants. Conclusions: The explanations, accompanying demonstrations, and suggested activities are intended to provide a launching point for understanding formants and how they can be measured, analyzed, and interpreted. As a result, participants should be able to describe the meaning of the term “formant” as it relates to a spectrum and a spectrogram, explain the difference between formants and vocal tract resonances, explain how vocal tract resonances combined with the voice source generate formants, and identify formants in both narrow-band and wide-band spectrograms and track their time-varying patterns with a formant tracking algorithm. Supplemental Material: https://doi.org/10.23641/asha.25168202

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