
The current balance of unplanned residential areas in Egypt represents a problem of interrelated contemporary problems that have developed over a long period, during which their roots have been rooted in social, economic and political trends. Egypt has witnessed a population increase since the 1960s, accompanied by social and economic changes that have led to continued increase in rural-urban migration rates. The State has intervened in stabilizing rents and the low-income segment has given insufficient attention to the establishment of so-called low-cost housing, especially after the 1970s.The private sector's reluctance to build up this category has resulted in the growing phenomenon of unplanned housing spread, which had, accompanied by many problems that threaten the existing environment and represent a deterioration that is reflected in the residents of these areas and extends its influence in the urban environment of its urban space.[7] Therefore, this paper aims to address the imbalances resulting from neglecting and exceeding the environmental values in the unplanned and growing residential areas in Egypt and the impact on its residents.The study examines the phenomenon of increased violence and the spread of crimes among citizens in one of the unplanned areas of housing as an example - Al-Talbiyeh District-Giza Governorate in order to limit the shortcomings of environmental design and the impact to residents of this area in order to report the problem. The research found that the increase in violence in these areas is due to the decline of design and environmental planning.

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