
In accordance with the water quality standard, the safe functioning of the water treatment system operation is considered. This paper alludes to extreme situations, which arise where there is periodic deterioration of the quality of raw water, for which the technological process of water treatment is not prepared. A conception method is presented by which to assess indices of risk vis-à-vis drinking water, on the basis of a probability estimation methodology. The categorisation of water pipes in line with quality-reliability as regards the physical and chemical composition of drinking water or water intended for business purposes is proposed. An example of the method being put to use is also offered, and it is recognised how the approach being proposed could be the basis for further analysis that takes different conditions of functioning of water-supply systems into account.


  • National or supranational provisions require further adaptation and development of research methods related to the safety of water supply systems (WSSs)

  • TThheessttrriicctteessttccrriitteerriiaawweerreepprrooppoosseeddffoorrtthheeffiirrssttccaatteeggoorryy‘‘CC’’ooffwwaatteerr‐‐ssuuppppllyyssyysstteemmssooffuurrbbaann aannddiinndduussttrriiaallaagggglloommeerraattiioonnssooffmmoorreetthhaann550000,0,00000iinnhhaabbiittaannttss,wwhheerreeqquuaalliittyyccoonnttrroolliinnrreessppeeccttooff reacting quickly to exceedances of standard conditions. These services would decide on the temporary exclusion of a water treatment plant (WTP) from operation

  • The important aspects are the costs associated with the improvement of technical and organizational solutions that should be analyzed taking into account the multi‐criteria decision‐making processes

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National or supranational provisions require further adaptation and development of research methods related to the safety of water supply systems (WSSs). Conclusions arising out of the history of particular failures entailing the large-scale contamination of tap water in urban agglomerations offer a perfect guide as to how risk management of an active nature needs to be engaged in [9] This leaves it vital that risk-reduction procedures be pursued, and decision-support tools devised, on the basis of analyses and risk assessments that accompany the functioning of a WSS, in compliance with guidelines vis-à-vis risk and crisis management where the security of the supply of drinking water is concerned [15,16], with account taken of the principles of sustainable development. The ultimate aim of the proposal presented here is to limit the duration of situations in which waterworks briefly produce water that is treated, but of inadequate quality in relation to standards, given that there is a slight increase, taking into account above-average concentration of contaminants

Material and Methods
The Approach to Obtaining a Water-Pollution Criterion
Probability Estimation Methodology
Application Example
Conclusions and Perspectives
Full Text
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