
Disturbances to forests are getting worse with climate change and urbanization. Assessing the functionality of forest ecosystems is challenging because it requires not only a large amount of input data but also comprehensive estimation indicator methods. The object of the evaluation index of forest ecosystem restoration relies on the ecosystem function instead of the area. To develop the appropriate index with ecological implications, we built the hybrid assessment approach including ecosystem structure-function-habitat representatives. It was based on the Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR) spectral indicator and combined with the local forest management inventory (LFMI), Landsat, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data. The results of the visual interpretation of Google Earth’s historical imagery showed that the total accuracy of the hybrid approach was 0.94. The output of the hybrid model increased as the biodiversity index value increased. Furthermore, to solve the multi-source data availability problem, the random forest model (R2 = 0.78, RMSE = 0.14) with 0.77 total accuracy was built to generate an annual recovery index. A random forest model based on tree age is provided to simplify the hybrid approach while extending the results on time series. The recovery index obtained by the random forest model could facilitate monitoring the forest recovery rate of cold spots. The regional ecological recovery time could be predicted. These two results could provide a scientific basis for forest managers to make more effective forest restoration plans. From the perspective of space, it could ensure that the areas with slow recovery would be allocated enough restoration resources. From the perspective of time, the implementation period of the closed forest policy could also be estimated.

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