
The classification of Mukha Rogas has been done either on the basis of involvement of Doshas or based on the site of occurrence of the diseases. Kaumaarbhritya is one of the branches of Ayurved which deals with Bharan(nutrition), poshan, Dhatri, Kshirdosh and its treatment. Tundekeri means Shotha(inflammation). In ayurveda it resembles cotton fruit. The symptoms of Tundekeri are more like Tonsillitis. Tonsillitis is a common illness in childhood. Tundekeri shows the symptoms of pain in the throat, dysphagia, swelling of tonsils. If these symptoms are treated in time, we can avoid further suppurative tonsillitis and enlargement of tonsils among childhoods. Acharya Sushruta advised surgical management in tonsillitis, while Acharya Vagbhata advised conservative treatment on tonsillitis which mainly includes Nasya, Pratisaran, Gandush etc. Recurrent attacks of diseases like tonsillitis affect the normal growth and development of a child and may lead to various health hazards. Tundikeri occurs due to Kapha prakopa and Rakta dushti and Doshas are situated in Talu and Kantha Pradesh. Drugs having Shothahar, Sandhaniya, Ropan, Lekhan, Rakta stambhan, Vedana sthapan and Pitta Kapha shamak properties are supposed to be ideal for the treatment of Tonsillitis.

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