
This study examines the socio-economic impacts of commercial motorcycles in Gombe State, Nigeria. The study was carried out in Gombe Metropolis with using a simple random sampling technique to select 500 motorcyclists sample size. The data generated were analyzed using simple percentages and Chi-square test. The study finds that commercial motorcycle business is a youth dominated business, majority of who are in the age bracket of 21-30 years and mostly rely on it to sustain their families. The results also reveal that commercial motorcycle business betters the livelihood of the respondents. Similarly, the results indicate that the respondents make enough money to sustain their families. The study recommends that ministry of youth should partner with their unions and other relevant agencies to provide motorcycles on hire purchase basis so that they can own their motorcycles. This is because most of them (74%) rely on the business to sustain their families. Also, the study finds that most of the respondents learnt to ride motorcycles in an informal way, the study therefore recommends that all motorcyclists must pass through riding school and obtain valid riding/driving license. This can be achieved through decentralizing driving and testing centers across the state.

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