
Light moduli fields, gravitationally coupled scalar fields with no classical potential and which are expected to emerge as remnants from string theory compactification, are dangerous to cosmology in that 1. their late-time decays may disrupt successful Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN), 2. they may decay into gravitino pairs which result in violation of BBN constraints or overproduction of lightest SUSY particles (LSPs, assumed to constitute at least a portion of the dark matter in the universe) and 3. they may decay directly into LSPs, resulting in gross DM overproduction. Together, these constitute the cosmological moduli problem (CMP). The combined effects require lightest modulus mass mϕ≳104 TeV, and if the lightest modulus mass mϕ is correlated with the SUSY breaking scale m3/2, then the underlying SUSY model would be highly unnatural. We present a solution to the CMP wherein the lightest modulus initial field strength ϕ0 is anthropically selected to be ϕ0∼10−7mP by the requirement that the dark matter-to-baryonic matter ratio be not-too-far removed from its present value so that sufficient baryons are present in the universe to create observers. In this case, instead of dark matter overproduction via neutralino reannihilation at the modulus decay temperature, the neutralinos inherit the reduced moduli number density, thereby gaining accord with the measured dark matter relic density.

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