
Olfaction is crucial for Empoasca onukii Matsuda to recognize odors from the host and nonhost plants, and it has been proposed that odorant binding proteins are directly required for odorant discrimination and represent potential targets of interest for pest control. Here, we cloned EonuOBP43 and expressed the recombinant EonuOBP43 protein. Furthermore, competitive fluorescence binding assays with 19 ligands indicated that terpenoids and alkanes showed a relatively higher than for other classes of chemicals. Additionally, ligand docking and site-directed mutagenesis results revealed that seven hydrophobic residues, including Val-86, Met-89, Phe-90, Ile-104, Ile-105, Leu-130, and Val-134, played a key role in the binding of EonuOBP43 to plant volatiles. In olfactometer tests, E. onukii were significantly attracted to α-farnesene and repelled to β-caryophyllene, and dsOBP43 treated adult lost response to α-farnesene and β-caryophyllene. In summary, our results demonstrated that EonuOBP43 may function as a carrier in the process of sensing plant compounds of E. onukii.

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