
Anomalous X-ray scattering experiments for glassy superionic conductor (As2Se3)0.4(AgI)0.6 were performed at energies close to the As, Se, and Ag K edges using a third-generation synchrotron radiation facility, ESRF. The differential structure factors, ΔiS(Q), were obtained from the detailed analyses, indicating that ΔAsS(Q) and ΔSeS(Q) are similar to those of glassy As2Se3 except at the prepeak position, and ΔAgS(Q) that of molten salt-like. In the differential pair correlation functions, Δig(r), ΔAgg(r) shows no correlation at the first peak positions of ΔAsg(r) or ΔSeg(r), and vice versa. From these findings, it can be concluded that a pseudo-binary mixture of the As2Se3 network matrix and AgI-related conduction pathways is a good structural model for this superionic glass.

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