
An annotated checklist of Myxophaga (Hydroscaphidae and Sphaeriusidae) and Adephaga (including Gyrinidae, Haliplidae, Noteridae, Rhysodidae) from Iran is compiled. The total number of taxa include 39 species of 15 genera. The family Haliplidae is represented by 15 species, Gyrinidae by 12 species, Noteridae by seven species, Rhysodidae by three species, and Hydroscaphidae and Sphaeriusidae by one species each. Two species, Gyrinus (Gyrinus) dejeani Brullé 1832 (Gyrinidae) and Haliplus (Haliplidius) confinis Stephens 1828 (Haliplidae) are new records for the fauna of Iran.

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