
A total of 548 upper limbs (276 right and 272 left hands) from Japanese cadavers were dissected. The arrangements of extensor indicis proprius, extensor digitorum communis (EDC), and extensor digiti minimi tendons and the intertendinous connections were studied. The most common pattern of extensor tendons was as follows: the index finger had a single EDC tendon, the middle finger had a single EDC tendon, the ring finger had a single EDC tendon, and the small finger had a single EDC tendon or a single common EDC tendon distributed to the ring and small finger. A single extensor indicis proprius tendon ran along the ulnar side of the EDC, and the extensor digiti minimi tendon consisted of 2 slips. Intertendinous connections were classified into 3 types: type 1 with a filamentous band, type 2 with a fibrous band, and type 3 with a tendinous band subdivided to r-shaped and y-shaped. The most common patterns were type 1 in the second intermetacarpal space (IMCS), type 3r in the third IMCS, and type 3y in the fourth IMCS.

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